About us

Welcome to Thriving Christian Marriage, where we are passionate about building strong, Christ-centered marriages that last a lifetime.

 Founded on the belief that marriage is a sacred covenant, we offer a range of programs and resources to help couples deepen their relationship with each other and with God. Our team of experienced counselors and mentors is dedicated to supporting couples at every stage of their journey, from pre-marital counseling to marriage enrichment programs.

At Thriving Christian Marriage, we believe that with God at the center, every marriage can thrive.


Couples Enrichment Program, Pre-Marital Counseling, Marriage Mentoring Program, Retreats and Intensives


Effective Communication in Marriage, Building Intimacy and Connection, Overcoming Challenges and Adversities, Together Financial Stewardship in Marriage


Annual Marriage Conference, Couples Date Nights, Community Outreach Programs


Trust in God


Selfless devotion


Open dialogue


Lifelong dedication

The Team

Our Experts

Our Focus

"Building Godly Marriages That Last"

Our Joy

"Nurturing Love, Growing Faith"

Our Resolve

"Together in His Image"

Our Passion

"Nurturing Love, building families"

Focused on building Marriages

Committed To Keep Marriages Healthy & Thriving

Are you yearning for a marriage that not only survives but thrives?

We Follow Best Practices

“Redefining Love, One Connection at a Time.”

Trust and Worth

Our Clients